We are delighted to return to the loveliness of Greenbelt at the end of August 2013. We will have two evenings of 10x9 storytelling in the Literature Hub at the festival. If you want to tell a story (yay!) see the notes at the bottom of this post. Saturday 24th August, 9.30pm in the Literature Venue. Theme: Growing up.

Growing up - when we are young, we speak about it as a definite age, and when we reach that age, we wonder when it'll happen. As Greenbelt turns 40, we want to hear your true stories of the reality of growing up - what you thought it would be, when you decided you had grown up, when you decided you wouldn't. Tweet us on @tenx9 or email us on tenbynine [at] gmail[dot] com

@tenx9 at #gb40 'Growing Up', Sat, 9.30pm
@tenx9 at #gb40 'Growing Up', Sat, 9.30pm

Sunday 25th August, 9.30pm in the Literature venue, in conjunection with Outerspace. Theme: Love stories

We want to hear your real stories of love - love found, love forbidden, just love, brave love, equal love, unexpected love. We are looking for diverse stories from people of all identities - Love stories are not only stories about Romance - Love is the language of all humanity. Come and enjoy a wondrous evening of storytelling and truthtelling. Tweet us on @tenx9 or email us on tenbynine [at] gmail[dot] com

@tenx9 at #gb40 'Love Stories', Sun, 9.30pm
@tenx9 at #gb40 'Love Stories', Sun, 9.30pm

If you want to tell a story, here's the way to let us know. 

  1. Tweet us on @tenx9 or email us on tenbynine [at] gmail[dot] com or fill in the contact form.
  2. Please make sure to check out 
  3. Tips for writing your story.
  4. And also check out: Tips for telling your story on the night.
  5.  These are pretty helpful tips (including some very important ones!) - make sure you read through them!
AuthorPádraig Ó Tuama